Our Team

Mick Safron
Co-Founder, BiohackingCongress
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Julia Smila
Co-Founder, BiohackingCongress
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Mick Safron
Co-Founder, BiohackingCongress

Mick is a motivated and dynamic professional with a proven record of generating and building relationships, coordinating projects from concept to completion. Experienced in developing strategies for managing a broad range of project activities in startups. Skilled in building cross-functional teams, demonstrating exceptional communication skills. Mick worked at Facebook, Google, and other Silicon Valley startups.

Check out Mick's new project: Biohackers.World

Julia Smila
Co-Founder, BiohackingCongress

Julia is the Biohacker, Pranic Healer and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. Julia’s purpose is helping people to become stewards of their own health and wellness to prevent disease through stress reduction.

Julia is driven to breakthrough with a harmonious combination of innovative HealthTech, BioTech solutions and the capability of the human body to promote people's health-span, and well-being.

Check out Julia's new project: Ultimate Wellness