Vedic is the somatic healing savior with 50% more strength than the Somavedic’s previous bestseller Medic Green Ultra. It has a completely updated core with a new composition of minerals and a silver-plated corpus for even more powerful emanation.
It is the best-selling harmony haven out there, and the best choice of riding EMFeffects and harmonization of virtually any place. It's the ideal choice if you want to give your body a rejuvenating experience of better sleep, energy, and focus.
If you're taking your first spin with vibrational healing, this is the best place to start. Vedic is the go-to model for EMF effects mitigation and water structuring. It emits less light in dark environments, supporting circadian cycles.
Suitable for larger properties, households as well as hospitals, clinics, doctor´s offices, and massage and cosmetic salons.
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