Dr. Gregory Alfred
Dr Gregory Alfred has been a board certified practicing physician for over 18 years. Having grown up in the US Virgin Islands he developed a passion for scuba diving which is where he first encountered the principles of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and its ability to heal the central nervous systems of injured divers. After finishing secondary school on St. Croix, he graduated from Princeton University and went on to obtain his medical degree from the NYU-Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Alfred is board certified in Emergency Medicine and during his Emergency Medicine residency at the University of Southern California he obtained certification in HBOT at the Catalina Island chamber in 2003. During his final year of residency he was selected as the outstanding resident of the year in a program long recognized as one of the nation’s top training centers in Emergency Medicine.
After relocating to Miami in 2008 he continued to expand his experience in the field by working in one of the busiest in-patient hyperbarics departments in South Florida at Mercy Hospital. (which has a strong focus on treating scuba dive emergencies in addition to all of the current FDA approved conditions). Having witnessed first hand the life changing regenerative capability of this therapy, he then transitioned to the out-patient setting as the current medical director of Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, a free standing HBOT facility in FLL that treats both on and off label conditions. This allowed him to utilize HBOT outside of the confines of the FDA restricted on-label world. This transition provided fuel for another of his passions: integrative precision medicine. Having always been a strong believer and practitioner of lifestyle medicine, he furthered his training by completing a fellowship in genomics based precision medicine as well as the A4M fellowship. Armed with this knowledge he has expanded his hyperbarics practice to include a precision medicine concierge practice with a focus on longevity medicine. He is very excited to embark on a new collaboration with The BioHack Lab as he has long considered HBOT to be the ultimate BioHack.
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