Dr. Tom Bayne
Dr. Tom Bayne DC is a Chiropractic Physician and public speaker dedicated to understanding and improving the gut microbiome. As the President of Microbiome Labs, Dr. Bayne travels around the world educating healthcare practitioners on the science of the gut microbiome, its relation to chronic diseases, and innovative solutions to improve the health of patients. Dr. Bayne’s comprehensive understanding of supplement manufacturing and extensive clinical experience have given him a unique ability to formulate integrative solutions for digestive and immune health. In 2013, he worked with an elite group of practitioners and researchers to develop MegaSporeBiotic® - the world’s first pharmaceutical-grade, 100% spore-based probiotic. This led to the formation of Microbiome Labs, where his duties include overseeing research studies and creating innovative products to improve digestive and immune health. In his own clinic, Dr. Bayne has spent over 24 years helping his patients optimize their digestive health, improve autoimmune conditions, and enhance detoxification.
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