Jim Girard
Jim brings more than 25 years of subtle energy research and development experience to the team, which led to the introduction of the original BioCharger concept in 1993. In 1988, Jim was privileged to have studied under Dr. Orville Fitz, a protégé of Nikola Tesla which led to Jim’s experimentation with Tesla coil and multiple wave oscillation (MWO) technologies.
He then experimented with combining various noble and Inert gas filled tubes to incorporate the visible light spectrum, and applied the concept of pulsing frequencies from Rife and Lakhovsky to form a unique and hybrid subtle energy platform.
In a few short years, his company Advanced Technology Concepts (ATC) had accomplished what no others previously had by discovering how to unlock the benefits of multiple subtle energies simultaneously and wirelessly.
Advanced Biotechnologies, LLC acquired ATC in 2013 and Jim is a now a lead on the BioCharger NG product development team. Jim attended the University of Akron and Kent State University studying Applied Math and resides in Brewster, MA with his wife and 5 children.
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