Nicole Merritt
Nicole Merritt is a mother of three, 3x author, a freelance writer, co-host of I Am The Worst Parent Ever Podcast and the Owner and Founder of jthreeNMe; an imperfectly authentic peek at real-life marriage, parenting, and self-improvement. jthreeNMe is raw, honest, empowering, inspiring, and entertaining; it’s like chicken soup for those that are exhausted, over-stressed and under-inebriated, yet still utterly happy. Nicole's work has been featured by NBC's the Today Show, Scary Mommy, That's Inappropriate, Ravishly, The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, CafeMom, BoredPanda, Upworthy, Popsugar, Grown and Flown, Working Mother Magazine, BLUNTmoms, Thought Catalog, Everyday Family, Motherly, Sammiches & Psych Meds, Red
Instagram - @jthreenme
Facebook - @jthreenme
LinkedIn - Nicole Merritt
Twitter - @jthreenme
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