
Ken Close

Member of the Healy World USA Leadership Council and Technical Advisory Board

A Father-preneur of 5 vibrant children. An Electronics Engineer specializing in the field of Commercial Fitness Equipment development and consulting for over 30 years.. A seasoned martial arts practitioner and a certified senior instructor in Tae Kwon Do. He taught for 20 years in his local community. He retired as an instructor a little over 5 years ago to pursue his greater passion for improving Personal Performance through Nutrition, Mindset, Consciousness and Epi-Genetic Expression.Ken studies the science of our thoughts, our beliefs, our habits and our behaviors to unlock the genetic influence to the body.

He has studied under great thought leaders such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Dr. John Gray, Gregg Braden, and many others over the past 12 years and has extended his understanding of the information field, quantum entanglement, neuroscience as well as the power of focused thought.He works one on one and with groups to help discover and alter patterns that no longer serve their needs. He is a firm believer that we can unlock our Divine Power at any age using the gifts we already have.

Mission: To be an example to all men of balance, chivalry, honor, compassion, service and heart.

Purpose: “Unlocking One's human potential is my passion, using the divine gifts we already have is my way.

”Desire: to live in a body that may be “of” this world but not succumb to the limits “in” this world.

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