Stack your Hacks with Photobiomodulation and Optimize your health with natures frequencies!

Robby Besner, PSc.D, Co-Founder, and Chief Science Officer, Therasage, explained what photobiomodulation is. “Photo” means light, “bio” means body, and “modulation” speaks to an array of frequencies how they are set up in nature and how they interact with all living plants and animals.

How does the sun deliver energy to the earth? When the sun rises in the morning, we get a sequence of frequencies that hit the earth, and it depends on the sun’s relationship to the planet, which is called the azimuth. As the earth turns, as we change seasons, and we change tilt on our axis. These frequencies play incredible roles in the way that we respond. For instance, during the winter, when we're inside, we're huddled up, we're wearing layers and layers of clothes, especially if you're in the north. You're not getting exposed to sunlight, and over time you start to get light deprivation which affects you both emotionally and physically.

Therasage is a specialist in developing devices that harness full spectrum infrared frequencies that come from the sun.  But if you look at the full array of electromagnetic frequencies delivered by the sun, start with gamma rays. These are from left to right, the most harmful to life on the planet. X-rays are used very effectively in foreign diagnostics tools, but if you get overexposed x-rays, it will change your DNA and RNA. 

After that, we have the UV spectrum, which is the nutritional and nurturing frequencies of sunlight that shift your PH. They are principally responsible for the natural production of vitamins. Even though we call it a vitamin, it acts as a hormone. Vitamin D K2 is essential; there are blood studies that canvassed three million Americans, and eighty percent of them were vitamin D deficient.

Are we not getting enough sunlight? Is that the challenge or are we just not in the sun to produce vitamin D naturally? As science and vitamin D start to move forward, it's an essential vitamin/ hormone to orchestrate many internal chemistry changes. “What I can see from my research is that deficiency in vitamin D directly affect our immune system. It's so important because we're living in a strange time; potentially harmful viruses and morphing viruses surround us, and so getting your immune system supported is the ultimate biohack.” Robby Besner PSc.D said. 

Let’s dive deeper into the infrared spectrum. There are three primary wavelengths in the infrared range - the relative frequencies, the mid frequencies, and the far frequencies. Each of those frequencies is almost like radio stations; it’s “broadcasting” different waves that do other things for the body. 

“We incorporate these frequencies in our Therasage devices, a working biohacking technology, to take a complete spectrum approach which is a page out of the playbook from nature because that's how the sun delivers it, and our feeling is the best playbook around next to the old and new testament. It's the book that's been around the longest since the beginning of the planet. Part of my philosophy here at Therosage is as advanced as we are in many ways. We’ve significantly departed from the way nature intended us to be.” Robby stated. 

“Our bodies have amazing filtering systems - liver, kidney, pancreas, large intestine. These organs are all designed to pull toxic chemicals out of our bodies, but that was in a normal situation. In the toxic environment we're living in now, in our world, mostly in the urban areas, these systems are overloaded. We've [Robby and Therasage Team] developed an amazing array of stack hacks that you can do to biohack your body.” Robby said.

There are three different frequencies in the infrared spectrum - near, mid, and far. The near-infrared frequencies are skin and around three or seven micrometers when they penetrate. “That's an interesting place in the body because under your skin layer is a layer of fat, that's kind of the front line when most of the environmental toxins we take in through our air, food, and waters that were surrounding ourselves either bathing or drinking. The fat layer is the top layer not just for insulation from extreme cold or heat but also absorbs a significant part of environmental toxins that were influenced by household chemicals.” Rob described.  

The mid-infrared frequencies range from there to eight micrometers. 

It penetrates the soft tissue where inflammation occurs. Hence, blood vessels are expanded and flow improved. When the vast amount of oxygen reaches the damaged area of your body, the pain starts to decrease, and the healing process is getting faster.

The far-infrared frequencies range from fifteen to a thousand micrometers. They penetrate the deepest into the body, which is around three to five inches. We should remember that infrared frequencies bioresonate at the same frequency as the water inside of us. They harbor our body’s densest parts and properties, which are our organ mass and/or our muscle tissue.

Those areas are also the most vascular, so that bioresonance and vibration create and liberate heat. It warms up the surrounding muscles and organs; those are the vessels’ most vascular areas, then get warmed up. The process of warming a vessel creates natural vasodilation, expanding that vessel's size, allowing more blood flow to come through.

The near-infrared and the far-infrared frequencies are excellent at creating a higher metabolic rate.

If you look for a natural way to lose weight, you should consider doing an infrared sauna every day for 30 to 45 minutes at a moderate temperature.  

It can help you to lose a conservative amount of burn calories every day, five hundred to six hundred calories, and that would be two to two and a half pounds a month.

“If you have a dietary profile and you work on your exercise, you could 10x the weight loss profile by adding infrared saunas and infrared frequencies, of course. These are some of the main stacks or at least ideas regarding biomodulation and the infrared spectrum and frequencies in particular.” Robby clarified.

BiohackingCongress's Team is appreciative to Robby Besner for joining our biohacking conference and giving an incredible lecture. To stay tuned into the latest biohacking technologies and solutions, join our next BiohackingCongresses.

If you want to try Therasage, check it out at the Top Biohacks section on our website. Subscribe to BiohackingCongress Newsletter and get valuable discounts! Pick the best biohacking products: biohacking supplements and biohacking technologies!

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Based on the lecture by Rob Besner.

Julia Smila
Co-Founder, BiohackingCongress

Julia is the Biohacker, Pranic Healer and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. Julia’s purpose is helping people to become stewards of their own health and wellness to prevent disease through stress reduction.

Julia is driven to breakthrough with a harmonious combination of innovative HealthTech, BioTech solutions and the capability of the human body to promote people's health-span, and well-being.

Check out Julia's new project: Ultimate Wellness