Elizabeth Gaines
Elizabeth Gaines is a practicing FDNP and Burnout Recovery Specialist. She beleives in the FDN Methodolgy so much, she is also now the Lead Instructor for the FDN Certification Course. She helps clients understand how chronic stress and disempowerment lead the body out of balance and into disease. She has had a life-long interest in health, fitness, and nutrition, and she came to FDN looking for help healing her own burnout after a decade of working with domestic minor sex trafficking victims. While in the FDN Certification Course, she healed her own chronic fatigue. She so fully believes in the efficacy of the FDN healing principles that she is now the Certification Course Supervisor, helping support others to become FDN Practitioners. Driven by a belief that health is the ultimate form of self-empowerment, she helps people become self-healers through education, analysis, and deep one-on-one partnership.
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